To become a member of WRCU, you must be eligible for membership and open a savings account called a Primary Share Account with a minimum balance of at least $5. Click here to check whether you qualify for membership at the WRCU. If you qualify, download and fill in the membership application. You won't be able to complete all the fields, but fill out what you can, and bring it to any branch of the WRCU and we will finish the process for you. Or if you prefer, just come in to any WRCU office and we will sign you up! See below for what you will need to bring with you to complete the process.

We take the money that you deposit and, in turn, lend it back to your friends and neighbors. You can be proud that your deposits are working to help people in your own community.

Because of our mission of returning all profits to the members, you will find that WRCU will pay consistently high interest (dividend) rates to our members who entrust us with their funds, while we keep loan rates low, and fees to a minimum

Once you are a member of the credit union, you have access to the wide range of services offered to our members. The WRCU is not just for deposits and loans. We also offer a broad range of consumer information to help you make informed decisions as well as many services that just make life more convenient.

Once a Member - Always a Member

As long as you keep the minimum $5.00 balance in your personal share account, you remain a WRCU member for as long as you like. If you move away, you can still bank online with WRCU.

Membership Application Instructions

  1. Print the Membership Application
  2. Neatly complete with a black or blue pen: Name, both mailing and physical street address; phone number, social security number and date of birth.
  3. If the physical address written on the membership card does not agree with the identification provided, you must provide another document verifying your physical address (i.e. utility bill or pay stub).
  4. Sign the application where your "Signature" is required.
  5. Bring in or mail the application to any WRCU office with an unexpired, government-issued identification card bearing a photograph (i.e. operator/driver’s license, non-driver identification card, or passport). If none of these forms of identification is available, verification may be made with two (2) of the following forms of identification (cannot be two of the same type of ID):
    1. Operator’s/Driver’s license without photograph
    2. Original Social Security card
    3. Other ID with a photograph (i.e. BJ’s, School ID, Military ID, Work ID)
    4. Car Registration
    5. Current pay stub, showing individual’s current address
    6. Individuals opening a new membership who are under 18 years of age –
      1. Original Social Security Card
      2. Student ID, if possible (along with Social Security Card)
      3. Driver’s permit or Driver’s license if old enough.  If address on ID does not match the current address given on account card, then must provide another document verifying current address.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot process an application with missing information or without a signature. We may pull a credit report and compare it to information on the membership application.