Your Credit Union is here to help with a wide variety of loan options. We tailor our loan products to meet your needs while always trying to keep borrowing costs down. Remember, your participation in our cooperative means lower loan rates than are typically available at other institutions. Go ahead and compare! Try us just once — we're confident you'll be pleased with the results!

We have an Online Loan Application to help streamline the process. You can fill it out and submit it electronically.You can also download a Printable Loan Application and mail or bring it in to any branch. Yes, you can still contact us by phone, email, or stop by any branch for a loan application. Whatever works best for you!

On top of our very competitive rates, you'll also experience:

  • Flexibility with finance plans - We work with you
  • Personal consideration
  • We guide you through the process
  • Fast turn around
  • Convenient application

Loan Officers

Main Office, Rochester, VT
Wanda Dunham - CEO/President, NMLS# 638128
Phone: (802) 767-3333
Toll-free: (800) 891-3332
Fax: (802) 767-3046
Consumer Lending / Real Estate Lending

Bethel Office, Bethel, VT
Rosella A. Leonard - Member Service Rep./ Loan Officer, NMLS# 638131
Phone: (802) 234-9232
Fax: (802) 234-6553
Consumer Lending / Home Equity Lending

Bethel Office, Bethel, VT
Jennifer Paradis - Member Service Rep./ Loan Officer, NMLS# 1833823
Phone: (802) 234-9232
Fax: (802) 234-6553
Consumer Lending / Home Equity Lending

Main Office, Rochester, VT
Desiree Boardman - Member Service Rep./ Loan Officer, NMLS# 2330200
Phone (802) 767-3333
Toll Free (800)891-3332
Fax (802) 767-3046
Consumer Lending

White River Credit Union organization NMLS# 490691

WRCU offers great rates with the following loan products:

Automobile Loans

Dealer giving keys to happy customer

We can help you get behind the wheel of that new or used car, truck or SUV quickly, because we know how hard it is to wait once you have one picked out!

Green Vehicle Loans

Young woman charging her electric car outdoors

Have you been thinking about purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle to help curb emissions or beat the high cost of gas? We now have a program to make this more affordable.

Recreational Vehicle Loans

RV camping in the mountains at night

WRCU can help you get that special fun machine that you have been wanting with a loan on the same terms as an auto loan for many recreational vehicles such as motor homes, campers, boats, motorcycles, ATVs or snow machines.

Home Equity Loans

Family on ski lift enjoying winter vacation in mountains

Borrow against the equity you've built up in your home and possibly deduct the interest portion of your loan payment on your tax return with no closing costs if your loan is less than $50,000.

Home Equity Line of Credit

Contractor installing a door on a house

Our Home Equity Line-of-Credit is a variable-rate loan with a maximum final pay-back term of 15 years, allowing you to "draw" on for the first 10 years.

Mobile Home Equity Loans

Mobile home with a deck

See if your mobile home qualifies for a WRCU mobile home loan.

First Mortgage Loans

Happy couple posing with keys on moving day

Contact WRCU for offers on first home mortgages.

White River Credit Union VISA Credit Card

Customer paying by contactless credit card

Apply today for your White River Credit Union VISA credit card.

Unsecured Loans

Broken down car with smoking engine, overheating engine on the road.

For those unexpected expenses like car repairs or a family emergency, an unsecured loan also known as a signature loan, may be what you need with no other security except your signature and promise to pay.

Credit Builder Loan Program

Credit repair sign and calculator on a desk

If you have no credit history, or your credit score is not what you would like, our Credit Builder Loan might be just what you need.

Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit: Which is right for me?

Red and white homes on a scale

Learn the differences between a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) and a Home Equity Loan and which best fits your borrowing needs.

Loan Protection

Man holding umbrella over paper cutouts of car, family, and house

As a member of the WRCU, we offer you member-pay insurance coverage to help protect you and your family against different type of losses.