We offer you the choice of reordering your checks online or in-person. If you want to re-order your checks with no changes, online might work best for you. If you need to make any changes then you will have to order at one of our branches or by phone.

Note: Your first check order must be done by coming to a WRCU office, or by phone.

We want to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Order Online

Not for new orders.

To order online you will need to have handy the following:

  • Your checking account number.
  • The number for the new checks to start at. (The number after your last check)

If you want to change your name, address, or add customizations to your check, you will need to come in to a WRCU branch or call us.

Order your checks online

Order In-Person or by Phone  

Best Way → If you have a check reorder form, (the one that comes in your box of checks) please bring it to one of our branches. An MSR can show you the expanded line of check options and submit your order for you. You can mail the check reorder form, but you won't get to choose a style, and we will only order plain checks for you.

No Check Reorder Form? → Please stop by any branch and we will show you the new check options and place your order. You can call us too, but you won't get to see the new styles, and we can only order plain checks for you.

You can also download and print a check re-order form. After you fill it out, please mail it to us or bring it in. Do not email the form, please!

Online ordering of checks will be available to you after your first order.

Branches and Hours