WRCU can help you get that special fun machine that you have been wanting; we will lend you money on the same terms as an auto loan for many recreational vehicles. The types of recreational vehicles that might qualify for auto loan rates include a new or used Motor-Home, Camper, Boat, Motorcycle, ATV, Dirt Bike or Snow Machine. For a list of our APRs (Annual Percentage Rates) and terms, see our rates page.

To apply, simply review and complete the following documents:

We have an Online Loan Application that you can fill and submit from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Please review the loan application requirements to make sure we have all the supporting documentation, including the Auto Loan Fact Sheet, and refer to the Credit Agreement and Insurance Certificate for important information regarding your loan.

For newer model years, we will loan up to 100% of the retail value of a recreational vehicle. Here is a quick view of our current rates.

Estimate payments with our Personal Loan Calculator.

We offer a .25% rate discount when using one of our auto-pay loan choices. We can set up your loan payment to transfer automatically on the first of each month from one of your other WRCU accounts. You can ask your payroll department if they can use Direct Deposit and automatically have your whole, or a portion of, your paycheck deposited into your WRCU account. Then the money for your automatic loan payment will be sure to be there!